Done with my talks!


I've just finished presenting my 2 talks at ApacheCon 2006 US and it went really well. I was presenting one old talk, and a brand new one and they both drew a good crowd. Overall, I am quite pleased, with a few little tweaks I want to make to my slides for next time.

For those that might want to see what I was talking about, you can figure it out from:

Or just find it yourself from the Talk section of my website

One think I simply can't pass up was that I noticed there were 2 PHP guys I knew in the back of the room during my Profiling talk:

And they had nothing bad to say about my talk ;-) Thanks!

And I lied during my talk, saying Apache2::Instrument was on CPAN, well, sorry, but i've just uploaded it now, sorry for the bugs and the documentation (or lack of).

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by gozer published on October 12, 2006 10:46 AM.

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