Infrastructure: March 2009 Archives

Thunderbird is out, I think

Thunderbird was recently released by the Mozilla Release Engineering team. The difference this time, well, all content, including the /start/ page is now hosted on Makes quite a large difference in our bandwitdh consumption, don't you think ?
The only problems I've been dealing with because of this is simply the amount of logs generated by this increase in traffic. Everything is fine now, but for a little while there, the rapid growth in traffic caught me a little off-guard. I was expecting more traffic, yes, but not quite that much more. It's actually a good thing, really, because except for a little disk space annoyance, the infrastructure behind has handled a 20x increase in traffic without breaking a sweat. Good!

Since Friday, Feb 27th, thunderbird content is redirecting to, see if you can tell when that is on that graph?

I am still crunching the numbers from Thunderbird 3 Beta 2's launch, but this one was easy and I just had to share.


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This page is a archive of entries in the Infrastructure category from March 2009.

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